Friday, April 30, 2010

Tiger Mountain Peasant Song - Cover


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Everyone in the house flew to Miami today for a memorial service, so I have had the whole place to myself for the past few hours. What does this mean?...Perfect time to record some more songs!

The cover I've posted here of the Fleet Foxes song, Tiger Mountain Peasant Song, is inspired by something Caitlin said a few weeks ago. She told me that I only knew how to play "sad" songs. Although I knew that this was (as is normal for her) an exaggeration, I thought about it, and realized that some of my favorite songs do, at the very least, sound sad. So, for the last couple of weeks, I've been taking some of my favorite sad songs, and have attempted to make them at least sound happy (depressing lyrics aside).

I was first introduced to Fleet Foxes when I saw them live at the Pitchfork Music Festival in 2008. I was completely taken by the somber, folky songs and the beautiful vocal harmony from this all-male quintet.

The original version of Tiger Mountain Peasant Song can be found on the Fleet Foxes debut studio album, Fleet Foxes. It is stripped down compared to most of their songs, with only an acoustic guitar and the lead singer, Robert Pecknold's voice. It is in 6/8 time, and chords are plucked, rather than strummed, throughout. I first learned to play it this way, but now that I have altered the tempo, time signature, and the overall style, I think my version does fit me, and my voice, better.

There is a review of the album from 2008 on the Pitchfork website, where you can listen to great music for free (including Fleet Foxes), find out about all sorts of great music, and read many many album reviews. There are also Wikipedia articles about both Fleet Foxes the band, and Fleet Foxes the album.

So, have a listen, and if you want to, let me know what you think!


  1. Hey amanda, it's laurel! do you remember me?? My husband is a music major and i think he'd love your music. I listened to the songs posted and I gotta say that i think you're very talented. if this is what you love don't let anything turn you away from it. I always think that when i am the most discouraged it's because i have so much potential that if i succeed i could blow the top off this world. or something. just keep thinking like that. you're great. i'll have my husband, mike, listen to it. he's really really good at technical things. He has been the leader of his own a cappella group for a few years now and frankly, they're great because of his guidance. not saying he's, like, a god...but he's good at what he does. okie dokie....enough of that.
    Anyhoo...yay! go you! i floored by your talent!

  2. Thanks so much, Laurel. Of course I remember you! Your positivity is really is infectious. It sounds like you married a great guy. I'd love any kind of feedback he might have, especially because of his experience with singing (I haven't had any kind of training with it). It's great to hear from you!

  3. Hey Amanda,
    i'm Marcos. Caitlin's friend from Miami. Hadn't heard of Fleet Foxes, but she showed me their original of Tiger Mountain Peasant Song, and I think yours might be better (no disrespect to Fleet Foxes). Maybe i'm just in the mood for something more upbeat at the moment, but either way, good job :)

